Air Pollution as Evolution

Maybe it’s OK to get killed by air pollution, maybe it’s just Mother Nature’s metabolism to get rid of human beings which have been existing for too long time. NO! NO! NO! We won’t allow other species to take over human beings! With human centred design in mind since this is a design festival, everything must be human centred.

Come join the work shop, step into the world where human beings are evolved to better adapt the extremely polluted environment. Together we will modify human facial features to consolidate human beings’ ruling position on earth, to imagine how air pollution will boost human evolution, social and political reformation, civilisation reinterpretation, and technological innovation.

Let’s keep human beings on top of the pyramid!


380:1, London Design Festival, OXO Tower, London, 2017

​ collaboration/
Ivy Liang
Yin-Hsin Chang